Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a green building rating system developed by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). It is the world’s most widely used green building program and sustainable building certification. Thus, ensuring your business adheres to the LEED certification requirements means that your buildings are dynamic, clean, and cost-effective. Learn more at www.usgbc.org .

Benefits of LEED

Better for business - LEED buildings have a higher resale value and lower operational costs than non-LEED buildings. LEED is an essential strategy for achieving Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), decarbonization, and equity goals.

Better for people - LEED-certified buildings focus on occupant well-being, offering a healthier and more satisfying indoor space while addressing community and public health.

Better for the environment - LEED buildings use less energy and water, utilize renewable energy and fewer resources, create less waste, and preserve land and habitat.

What we do

We understand and believe in the principles of sustainable buildings. We offer three main groups of services in the process of LEED design and certification.

LEED Design

LEED Design is aimed at clients, who knows the benefits of Greed Buildings and plan their project from the early stage with the intention of obtaining LEED certification. An architect with LEED AP accreditation is of great benefit to such projects. We provide the full scope of preliminary and technical design services required for LEED certification. Design for LEED requires a detailed and fully specified project that must comply with both local codes and LEED requirements. We can also be part of a larger design team and contribute to the overall design and certification process.

LEED Project Management

LEED Project Management is aimed at clients, who want to hire LEED AP consultant for their project. We advise, oversee and manage the LEED certification process during the design and construction phases. We work closely with the owner, design team, contractors and commissioning authorities in order to achieve LEED certification goals. We act as USGBC/GBCI liaison during the LEED design, review and submittal process and are responsible for the final verification and submittal of the required LEED documentation.

LEED Design & Project Management

This service is for clients who want to benefit from both LEED design and LEED project management. We are involved in both processes, from the early stages of the project, through the design phase, construction supervision, and LEED project management, to the issuance of the LEED certificate. We design your building to meet the many LEED certification requirements and manage the entire process to get your buildings LEED certified.

Make your way to LEED certification for a more efficient business portfolio with our design team.

Scope of services for LEED certification

The process of LEED Design and Certification incorporate numerous services. Our responsibility will be determined by the level of our engagement in the process accordingly.

LEED Pre-design

Preliminary Assessment: site, climate, passive design strategies, design and energy goals, program and financial context analysis
Definition of LEED Objectives: Owners Project Requirements, strategy development, Basis of Design, sustainability dashboard and quantified KPIs (key performance indicator) for high environmental performance and LEED compliance
Feasibility Study: detailed assessment of the project against LEED criteria

LEED Design

LEED Design Optimization: interactive and iterative workshops during the concept, schematic and design development stages in order to integrate LEED requirements into the design
LEED Technical Design & Review: implementation of LEED credit requirements in the design, periodic project review submitted by the design team in relation to the LEED credits pursued (concept, schematic, detailed design)
LEED Specifications: architecture, landscaping, MEP, lighting, energy production in relation to LEED requirements
LEED Modeling: preliminary and parametric energy simulations, mandatory energy modeling for LEED credits, daylight modeling, CFD modeling for natural ventilation potential, renewable energy production calculations

LEED Project management

LEED Support in the Development of Construction Documents: technical green specifications to include in RFQs, review of materials, technology and product performance, selection of suppliers in connection with the project's sustainable objectives
LEED Certification Management: technical and administrative support in the execution of LEED, task list per discipline, specific credit workshops, coordination and preparation of LEED documentation and liaison with the USGBC or equivalent. coordination for LEED implementation until the LEED certificate is awarded