
"In Studio D" LTD is an architecture and design studio based in Sofia, Bulgaria. The company was founded in 2009 by Desislava Doneva and arch. Roumen Donev.
The scope of the company's activities includes all aspects of architectural design, planning and interior design. We have experience in the design of residential, office, mixed-use buildings, and also in reconstruction of existing buildings and interiors. "In Studio D" LTD works with a team of experienced engineers and architects, and our work is based on pursuit of quality. With our experience based on more than twenty years of practicing architecture profession and the design of numerous residential, mixed-use buildings and interiors we are able to provide comprehensive and high quality services in the field of architecture and interior design.
In 2016 we established the company "A Concept" Ltd, with special purpose towards architectural projects in the EU. All projects of A Concept and InStudioD are designed by Roumen Donev and Desislava Angelova-Doneva.

Architecture and planning

The architecture of InStudioD is based on pursuit of quality. We believe that the environment that architects and designers create has a great impact on our lives. This includes the home, the workplace, and the public spaces in between. Our well-being is influenced not only by buildings, but also by urban spaces and areas. In our work, we are influenced by the needs of people and the individual context of each project, the different characteristics of climate, location and culture. In our work we have applied these characteristics to residential and public buildings.
We consider architecture as a synthesis of different elements that make up the building: the structural elements, the service and communication areas, the presence of natural light, the relationship with the surrounding landscape, the ecological aspects of the design. Our work is committed to our clients, but also to the public space and many people who use it. Our relationship with clients is based on a very high level of personal commitment, with great respect for the preciousness of time and resources. In our work both design and successful execution are equally important to us.

Interior design

We believe that the essential values of interior design and architecture are no different: the creation of space and the use of light, the careful determination of colours, materials and details. But even the smallest elements in a building, such as door handles or the ashtrays on living room tables, are essential to our environment. Some of these utilitarian items are often taken for granted, but it is these smallest elements that the users of a building come into direct contact with. All of these pieces of interior design need to be functional, but they should also be pleasant to use - they should have good ergonomic, aesthetic and tactile qualities and they should also be placed in an appropriate location. Our approach to interior design pays attention to every little detail that makes up the residential or public interiors we design.